i-mole lab was founded in September 2021 as a bioinformatics training, services, and software company. In its first year, it was able to train 300 trainees and consult on 10 bioinformatics projects for researchers around the world. In its second year, i-mole lab secured a contract to provide training for the Computer Science department at Cairo University, enabling it to train over 600 additional trainees. The company also consulted on 10 more international bioinformatics projects. A landmark achievement was organizing the first bioinformatics hackathon competition in Egypt. And launched our first Bioinformatics package (DOKCEN) By 2023, i-mole lab had trained over 3,000 trainees worldwide and consulted on a total of 40 bioinformatics projects. The company formalized its status by obtaining UN accreditation. For the second consecutive year, it delivered training for Cairo University's Computer Science department. In Egypt and abroad in Iraq and Syria, the company trained graduates on 10 capstone projects. i-mole lab also launched its second software program , for DNA sequence analysis. Lina can predict gRNA, siRNA, and 6ORF. The company participated in multiple events across Egypt, establishing itself as a contributor to the country's bioinformatics landscape.



trainee around 30 country


projects for Bioinformatics Researcher


years of experience in international market


graduation projects around Egypt,Iraq and Syria

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